Monday, November 2, 2009

Sun Rises in the Morning, Rep. Jim Moran Makes Another Stupid Remark

Completely predictable. Rep. Jim Moran (Delirious-Virginia) attempted to perform CPR on Creigh Deeds' campaign for governor by blowing smoke up the electorate's ass. "At a get-out-the-vote rally in Fairfax County, Moran said: 'I mean, if the Republicans were running in Afghanistan, they'd be running on the Taliban ticket as far as I can see.'"

Allahpundit provides this helpful link to a catalog of Moran's idiocies (see the section, "Assaults and Threats"). Many of them represent acts of violence, including this particularly heroic episode: "In about 2000 he got into a scuffle with an eight year old black second grade boy in Alexandria, whom he accused of attempting to carjack him. The lad in question was all of 4 feet 7 inches (140 cm) tall". (Yeah, I know: pretty big for an 8-year old. Still, you'd have thought that the book-sack and the Washington Redskins lunchbox might have provided a clue).

Moran represents Virginia's 8th district, an outpost of government parasites, lobbyists and lawyers. Even so, I can't understand why the Democrats can't field somebody less embarrassing than this scary clown.


  1. American domestic politics? From an international perspective, the threat became because the kid didn't have a Cavaliers lunch pack.

  2. Even in No'thun Virginny, I don't see that crack flying...

  3. Nancy Pelosi. Harry Reid. Jack Murtha. Jim Moran. Alan Grayson. Anybody see a pattern here?

    wv: preducte: what a New Zealand psychic does.
