Friday, March 26, 2010

Paco Enterprises Introduces a New Line of Energy Efficient Products

Fifteen of them, to be exact.


  1. Hey Paco. I'll have the extra-large verion of the gasoline powered alarm clock.

    I have a spare V8 on a stand to hook it up to.

    Can it be delivered by coal-fired steam traction engine in time for the Hour of Power at Casa MarkL tonite?


  2. Clearly the program is ineffective. By extrapolation, one can conclude that many of the products with the "Energy Star" logo are -- at the very least! -- questionable as "environmentally friendly". And yet another element of the green scam comes to light.

    But the pathetic thing is, the EPA won't shut this down. It would be an admission of failure. Even Snowe -- who requested the investigation -- doesn't want that. They'll "fix" the program, and carry on with it. Anything else would be admitting to the scam.

  3. MarkL: I'm afraid we can't make that tight delivery schedule, so I'm sending you a half dozen for next year.
