Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valerie Jarrett finds something useful for the military to do

Finding it difficult to shift her gluteous maximus, Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett calls on a high-ranking military officer to fetch her a glass of wine.

I loathe these people.


  1. On reading that article it would seem the lady in question didn't even look at the person when saying "she wanted another glass of wine", usually good mannered people look at the person who is serving them, if even to give them a smile and thank them for the service.

  2. Notice that the unidentified officer simply got her a new glass without comment?

    And scumsuckers such as Jarrett really do believe they are superior specimens.

  3. Apparently it was a common feature of the Clinton White House, as well.

    More here: http://www.amazon.com/Dereliction-Duty-Eyewitness-Compromised-Americas/dp/0895260603/ref=sr_1_2


  4. I'm with Steve. Unknown officer: Class. Jarrett: Low class. Like they say, you can buy influence and position, but you can't buy class.

  5. It's a shame this guy wasn't walking past her at the time.


  6. usually good mannered people look at the person who is serving them

    Yup. Makes this broad a no-class, unmannered slob, in my book.

  7. Jarrett is a cog in the Chicago Machine. How else would the bint act?

    TW: refink. Yes, AI, I agree.

  8. I wondered somewhere about who the movie rols would go to.

    Whatzername Roberts....Julia Roberts would be a natural for Jarrett--she has already played the role.

    But the officer will probably have to play himself, since nobody in Hollywood would have enough class.

  9. Merilyn wrote above "On reading that article it would seem the lady in question didn't even look at the person when saying "she wanted another glass of wine","

    Lady?? LADY ???? this ...bottom feeder a lady???????
