Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Best wishes to Paco Nation for a happy holiday! Hope you all get to spend some quality time with friends and family.

I took Monday off and Mrs. Paco and I did what we usually do shortly after a Democrat wins the White House: we went shopping at our favorite gun store (Virginia Arms). I was looking for a pocket pistol and found a sweet little Smith & Wesson model 642 (.38 Spl +P, five shots, fits in the palm of my hand).

So you won't consider your visit here a total waste of time today, here's something appropriate to the day (and the times): Howard Rich's article, "A Thanksgiving Lesson".

"Why, sure, pretty lady, I'll be glad to say a few words into your microphone."

Update: Gee, all of Obama's promises really do come with an expiration date.
Peace, one of two turkeys pardoned by President Obama last year, was euthanized Monday, according to an official who insisted the timing of the death - days before the Thanksgiving holiday - was not suspicious.
If this had happened before the election, perhaps Obama would have lost the turkey vote (which, as the results show, he carried by a wide margin).

Update II: God bless our troops, and keep them safe today and always.


  1. Obama: "Say, Chef, do you suppose we could have that funny looking dog I did that ceremony with for dinner?"

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Paco! Burri math: The realities of Christmas plus Easter equal Thanksgiving, 24/7/365.

  3. Well hello pilgrim! Who knew someone with a big buckle on her hat could look so hot.

  4. All the best to you and yours, Paco, with much gratitude...
    And you just know the other Pilgrim women are searching the Bible for 'witch' references!


  5. I don't see any problem with the death of the turkey. "Liberty" survived. That's the one they would have gone after.

  6. There's always Christmas dinner for the survivor turkey. Obama isn't going to let Liberty survive his administration if he can help it.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all Paconistas and members of the International Neocon Conspiracy (TM).

  7. Deborah Leigh said...So it's official "peace is dead". Now we can get away from all those symbols that are annoyingly everywhere.

    To all: hope blessings that we acknowledge this day continue to be bestowed by our gracious Creator.
