Monday, August 29, 2016

Heads up, mates

If Trump wins, Barbra Streisand plans on moving to Australia.

What you ought to do is try to interest her in swimming near the Great Barrier Reef, slathered in that well-known shark repellent, bacon fat.


  1. That's creates quite the dilemma.

    We all want to get rid of her, but do we want to piss off Australia when we do so?
    Why couldn't she say France or someplace we don't like?

  2. Yeah, I have to admit, it could probably be construed as a hostile act.

  3. Veeshir: What the hell? I just tried to visit your blog and it says it's been suspended or archived for some reason.

  4. So Babs prefers a criminal because of her gender. Isn't that sexist? Oh silly me...Leftists can't be sexists.

    She and none of her blowhard friends are going anywhere. This is the same thing they pull every election cycle. So, no worries for OZ...and whatever they say in Canada eh. Sea snakes or polar bears. It works. Hope she/they break the cycle and leave.

  5. I'd have to say 'sorry' to our Aussie friends, but I hope you end up with her.

    If you don't, that means we'll be stuck with Hilliary. I don't think Baba S. will damage Australia as much as Hilliary will damage the US.

  6. No! Noooooooooh!

    OK I like her voice and old movies. Otherwise, noooooooh!

  7. Bar-Bura, Bar-Bura! aieeeeee!

  8. A great reason to elect Trump. G'day Babs!

  9. Babs, stick to singing, and memorizing scripts someone cleverer than you wrote. As a stand alone intellectual, you rank just below an amoeba.

  10. She's a washed-up has-been. How many people would miss her if she did leave?

  11. I'll try this again.
    The "Sign" robot thing stinks. Sometimes you have to click on the pole holding it up, sometimes you don't.
    Then, when you don't guess right, it starts with adding in new pics as you click so you have to keep clicking.
    I just stop trying and try again later. That's as much jerking around as I'll allow a computer to do.
    I've broken computers that messed with me too much.
    Computers have hated me since '81 when I made fun of Commodore Basic byting free.

    I'm not sure how I violated their terms, either politics or when I posted a Blazing Saddles youtube vid in honor of Gene Wilder.

    That movie gets lefty knees jerking more than anything except Sarah Palin, Tim Tebow, freedom and, lately, Donald Trump.

    1. I commiserate, Veeshir. The gatemaster robot authentication game is a pain. These are only comments for crying out loud, not a ticket site!

      The Blazing Saddles clip only cemented the deal. How dare you honor a comic genius! Gene Wilder's passing is sad, but then he's been gone long before yesterday. Now that he is in the "better place", health, happiness, and Gilda have been restored.

  12. If you have a gmail account and use Chrome to access blogspot comments it doesn't put you through the test.

    Yes loved all Gene Wilder's work. Young Frankenstein I watch over and over. Then Haunted Honeymoon is a kind of sequel with Gilda.

  13. Bruce:

    Icy stare - "It's Frankensteen".

  14. Bruce: also, see David Goldman's interesting speculation about "Frau Blücher".

  15. Apparently we had a DMCA or DCMA or whatever notice email telling us to take down a Kathy Ireland pic that nobody noticed (the email, not the pic).

    You'd think she would be happy someone still wanted to look at her.
    Geez, that's like Norma Desmond getting upset people want to watch her movies.

  16. Yeah, my college supervisor was 1960s Chicago U PhD, Robert W Stern. So when I told him I liked Hannah Arendt's books he just rolled his eyes: apparently she was a bit of a bully in person too. I never picked up on the Frau Blucher reference. Brilliant movie, even more now.


  17. From an ordinary Aussie, bloke - Ms Streisand go anywhere you like EXCEPT Australia. Thank you

  18. Mr. Jimbo: Don't worry. I'm sure her relocation to Australia would be in violation of some treaty.

  19. OK. We'll do it. We'll take her.

    After all,someone has to be used to test the differences of the affect on the human nervous system between the venom of the five species of Irukandji.

    Mk50 of Brisbane

  20. Promises, poromises. They all make them but never fulfill them. Time to gring out the old guitar and sing the blues again:

    "Barb, How Can I Miss you When You Won't Go Away..."
