Wednesday, September 11, 2019

In memoriam

God bless the souls of those who died on that black day as a result of bloody-minded Muslim fanaticism.

Oh, and thanks for absolutely nothing, John Brennan.

Update: Boy, airplanes are really unpredictable, huh?


RebeccaH said...

John Brennan always looks like he smells something bad. Maybe it's the stench of his career.

Deborah said...

Yes. God bless them all, and their families and friends. God bless the First Responders who saved and attempted to save.

Paco said...

Rebecca: Do you suppose, from time to time, Brennan lies awake in the wee hours of the morning, beset by intimations of his own incompetence and perfidy? For his sake, I hope he does, but I bet he doesn't; probably sleeps like a baby.

RebeccaH said...

Brennan shows no remorse for any of the borderline criminality he has committed. But like all villains, he remains fearful of his victims gaining enough power to take their revenge. Sleeps like a baby? Probably not since Trump moved into the White House.