Saturday, April 17, 2021

Epic protocol fail

Probably the most embarrassing moment in Japanese-American relations since President George H.W. Bush threw up in the lap of Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa at a state dinner, shortly before passing out: "NO ONE Met Japanese Prime Minister at the White House Door Except Stationary Army Guard".

PM Joshihide Suga was finally greeted by Kackling Kamala, who proceeded to "trash America" in her introductory remarks for a whole  minute before formally welcoming the Japanese leader. 


RebeccaH said...

I'm surprised Old Joe didn't come out and ask PM Suga to mow the grass and trim the bushes. This is beyond embarrassing, and certainly shows the world what kind of presidential administration America has now. And Kami McCackles may be black and Indian, but she has officially entered white trash territory.

Paco said...

Just a total clusterflop (to use the altered, euphemistic version of that word). I imagine President Paw Paw was off somewhere staring into the middle distance, unfit to be seen. Amazing, though, that the staff couldn't have come up with some alternate plan besides letting the PM (and, I believe, his wife) stand outside the front door (I can almost visualize staff hiding in the shadows, whispering to each other, "Let's pretend nobody's home!")

And Harris starting off by trash-talking her own country; just staggering bad form. America has become an international laughing stock - which might actually be funny if we were Luxembourg, but we're not, so this level of sheer incompetence is genuinely alarming.

Veeshir said...

What makes it worse is that he didn't just wander up to the door and ring the bell.
Did someone not announce he was on the way?
I doubt it, they just don't care.
Japan isn't important, it's not like they're communist or jihadi, they actually like America.

Deborah said...

Used to like us. Will they forgive or ... realize the giant is no longer awake.

Deborah said...

Biden got the dates mixed up. He thought the Japanese PM was coming next week, so he went to Delaware. Unlike Kamala who was late greeting the Japanese PM and his wife, Biden was on time for his tee time.

I think Biden went to Delaware for remedial training. Hmmm. Wasn't there another Biden family member that went to DE for remedial training....

Paco said...

V: I think the next foreign dignitary to visit the White House should just pull the old flaming-bag-of-dog-poop gag.