Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My contempt for McConnell is rising to the same level as my contempt for most Democrats

"DITCH MITCH? Why McConnell has 'GOT TO GO'".

Ace had a post today in which he admirably summarized Mollie Hemingway's criticism of McConnell:

Mollie Hemingway made a great point on Laura Ingraham last night. Someone pointed out how much we owe Mitch McConnell for getting conservative judges confirmed, but Mollie Hemingway rebutted that.
Schumer, she pointed out, does the same thing with liberal judges, and delivers on liberal wish-list legislation, and supports the left flank of his party and does not wage war against most of the party and spend money to defeat them in primaries and does not work with the Deep State to undermine a President of his own party he doesn't like but whom the American people elected.
With McConnell, it's only the first one -- and we're supposed to be content with that.

And yet, this GOP tapeworm is practically a shoo-in  to be elected as Senate minority leader (and we know the "minority" part doesn't bother him very much).


  1. He prefers minority party status.
    He does Failure Theater, he doesn't do winning.

  2. Yeah, he seems a lot more comfortable being a big goggle-eyed turtle in a little pond.
