Saturday, June 8, 2024

Can't really see driving this around the farm

 I saw a Tesla truck on the road today; in case you didn't know, it looks like this:

So, is this intended to be a "stealth" vehicle? You know, something the cops can't pick up on their radar? Because if it isn't, I'm not interested.

I will, however, gladly take one of these off your hands, if you happen to have one:


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 8, 2024 at 9:00 PM

    To me that thing is just a gimmick. I can't see a "real" truck buyer, by which I mean a working man, getting it for his plumbing or electrical or landscaping business. Nor can I see it making it big in off roading circles, whatever its capabilities.

    So it's just a prestige product. But there are plenty of those that sell extremely well, like everything with an Apple logo. So maybe it'll be a big seller. Musk sure needs a break, since Tesla's started to show the same kinds of problems other lesser EV manufacturers have.

  2. I'd have zero interest in the Tesla. The other truck I'd take, but mainly because it's at least a real truck. But, the first pickup truck I drove on a regular basis was a 1950 International. Being used to modern trucks now, I wouldn't wanna go back to a truck that old as a daily driver, for sure. 'Crude' is he nicest description I could assign to the old International.

  3. my dad had something like the blue truck at one time, its bed and frame ended up as a trailer on the farm eventually.

  4. The Tesla vehicles might be a hit in scifi circles. I had a friend who drove a DeLorean. It was fun to drive up somewhere with the Back To The Future theme playing. We did it at the Griffith Park Observatory in Los Angeles. It turned heads.

    That blue truck is more our style. Unfortunately, I'd have to pass because of mobility issues. It sure is a beaut.
