Tuesday, February 4, 2025


My frustration at the paucity of online images of the Alfred I. Dupont Building in Miami -  the beautiful art deco skyscraper in which my Florida National Bank department was headquartered for several years - finally led me a few days ago to search through the archives of Paco family photos in an effort to discover whether I, myself, had taken any pictures of the interior of the building. 

To my everlasting discredit, it appears that I didn't; at least, I haven't been able to find any, yet. I did, however, find some other pictures from that era that my long-time readers may find amusing or otherwise interesting. Circa 1983.

Here, for example, is yours truly, complete with cheesy mustache and sideburns, in a completely unstaged and unposed shot, pretending that he has to be somewhere on time.

Here's the same fellow, looking rather as if he'd just received news that a crosstown rival had been rubbed out (or, more realistically, as if he'd just been notified that it was dinner time).

And this is Mrs. Paco, on a spectacular "good hair day", hefting Number One son.

Ah, the good old days! Lost and gone forever, I'm afraid. Still, very gratifying to have lived through them.

Update  Eureka! Mrs. Paco found another stash of old photographs in the back of a cabinet, and I found a few pictures of the Dupont Building boardroom taken by myself and one of my co-workers. The color photos have faded into a sepia tone over the last 40 years, but that sort of gives them a classic look, I think.

Here I am, sitting at my "desk" - the boardroom table. Stage left (not visible in the picture) are the windows, through which I once witnessed a crowd of angry Haitian refugees trying to torch their consulate, around the time of the fall of Baby Doc Duvalier.

This is a shot of the other end of the table.

Must have been "bring your family to work" day.

Mrs. Paco and #1, again.

Well, that concludes this stroll down memory lane. Thanks for joining me. My only regret is that I can't invite you all to step around the corner to the little pâtisserie, which used to serve the most scrumptious napoleons, or to the Cuban restaurant a little ways up the street for boliche con arroz, and maybe some flan and a cafezito for dessert.


  1. Beautiful photos, Paco! Mrs. Paco and #1 Son look glorious.

    But I have to say, in the second photo, you look rather like Stacy Keach while portraying Mike Hammer....

  2. Lovely pics. Yes I thought it was Mike Hammer as I began to scroll down from the top.

  3. You were a hipster before it was cool.
    If you need money, take those suits and hats to Brooklyn, they'd be worth a fortune.

  4. Haw! I won't deny that there's a resemblance to Keach's Mike Hammer. By coincidence, I happen to have one of the episodes from that old tv show saved on YouTube to watch later, and the thumbnail photo looks a lot like that second picture.

  5. V: I might as well peddle those suits somewhere. Somehow, over time, they seem to have, er, mysteriously shrunk and they no longer fit me.

  6. Ah, Napoleons! When I was in school, there was a bakery/cafe at the bottom of the street I lived that had, among other things, Napoleons. Also cream puffs and similar decadent pastries.

  7. Don't give up on getting back into those old suits, Paco. I've noticed that as I get older, I also get smaller, so some of the old stuff that's still around is starting to fit me again.
    But, YMMV.

  8. You Pacos are a fine looking clan.
    Especially Mrs Paco. Quite the catch there.

  9. Yes, definitely not a "catch and release" situation, there!

  10. How did I miss this? You have a lovely family, Mr. Paco, and weren’t you just the bee’s knees back in the day!

    1. Hi de ho! I dropped the mustache a couple of years later, and have always considered that the right thing to do.
