Friday, December 30, 2016

Barack H. Irrelevant

Obama: We're kicking 35 Russian diplomats out of the country for spying.

Putin: Meh.


  1. Three. More. Weeks.

    And no Hilloser to finish the job. What a day that will be!

    1. Three more weeks indeed! There should be an Advent-like calendar! Can't wait to break out the fireworks, popcorn, and drinks! Oh! And the trip to the range...our back deck!

  2. Joke of the year:

    What did Russia do to influence the election?

    They helped the Democrats finally deliver on their promises of transparency.

  3. This marks a new low in pettiness and petulance. Obama must be surrounded by fawning yes-men, since no one was able to talk him out of this. In contrast, Mr Trump and also GWB if I recall, are confident enough to appoint advisers who may disagree.

  4. The most delicious part of that is Putin making it clear he's done dealing with Obama, he's waiting for Trump. We can view that with anticipation or trepidation, but at least we are getting out from under the weightiest, most water-logged administration we've ever had so that we can finally come up for air.

  5. Btw, I'm wondering what J. Packington III would make of all this.

  6. Lights an Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliber, and swirls some Napoleon brandy in a snifter prior to downing a restorative mouthful: "Pots of money in it. Gold by the sackful, mark my word."
