Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sunday funnies


From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".

Elephants: what clowns!


  1. Elephants are the internet kittens of the new decade.

    And that treadmill... Fred Astaire himself would applaud the footwork.

  2. The Remember Me bit reminds me of a 1998 flick called Last Night, about the end of the world and how a few people handled it.
    It wasn't bad as I remember and the Rotten Tomato score seems to be good.

  3. Looks like elephants can be jerks, too.

    My favorite TWIP was Joe Biden Corn Maze.

    Although I think he'd get lost in it.

  4. I laughed at the first photo, because when we were young, I could see Mr. H "giving it a try".

    I also laughed at the Joe Biden Corn Maze too. He'd probably stop in the middle and launch into a story about how he used to know this guy named Corn Pop.

  5. The Keith Richards one cracked me up.

    I've been seeing a lot of baby elephant vids lately, they're basically gigantic puppies.
    That's kinda scary, puppies are nature's way of saying, "Chaos is funny."
