Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Aimee Semple McPherson of vaccine mandates

"NY Governor Kathy Hochul Declares There Are No Religious Exemptions To Her Vaccine Mandate, Then Goes to a Megachurch to Proclaim the Vaccine Is a 'Gift from God' and Asking Churchgoers to Be Her 'Apostles'". 

Heal, sister! Clothe me in the armor of science and make me proof against the Devil's germ!


Stephen Skubinna said...

So she is simultaneously the Pope, the Grand Mufti, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Chief Rabbi, Dalai Lama and Lord High Executioner? All of those offices are wrapped up in Governor of New York, or is this an authority she brings independently?

Strange that none of her predecessors have relied upon this authority.

Veeshir said...

I'm just surprised we haven't learned what illegal, corrupt things she's done.
It's been over a month, that's a record for a NY gov.

bruce said...

Martin Luther wanted 'every man his own pope'. So when she refers to 'organised religions' she's excluding Protestants, whose individualism just happened to be a founding influence for the USA.

I see she's born Irish Catholic, my upbringing. From my experience, my fellow born Catholics are woefully ignorant of other Christians, and it shows.