Monday, January 17, 2022

Asking the questions our incurious media and federal law enforcement agencies won't


Courtesy of Instapundit.


Deborah said...

Good points all. I can posit an answer as to why he was killed. The guy kept them there for a long time and it's Texas, so....

Veeshir said...

I can only assume our fine media betters know the answers and they don't want us to know those answers because it would look bad for their chosen political party.

Hmmm, so he got across cuz of Biden's policies and probably got his weapons from some other illegal aliens.
As for why they shot him, I'd have to guess the FBI thought he was a Tea Partier.
As for why they can't figure out his motives, uhhhh...... that's the easiest.
As Ace says, "We'll probably never know his motives." they vowed.

Paco said...

The fact that the Feds shot him is the only evidence I have that the guy wasn't an FBI plant (and I don't even consider that conclusive evidence).

RebeccaH said...

What I want to know is, where did he get the money to come here and buy a gun in the first place? Visas and passports don't come free, who paid for that? It's reported that he stayed in a homeless shelter, but who told him where to find one? He had to eat and he had to have a way to get around (nothing in Texas is within walking distance). Who paid for all that? Certainly not the guy who didn't have a job.

rinardman said...

Nothing to see here! Move along.

here said...
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