Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The company she keeps

Stacey Abrams - whom some wag tagged as "Tank" Abrams because she is, er, a full-figured gal - is running for governor of Georgia again. The Left seems rather keen on her: "Hollywood Elites and George Soros Funding Stacey Abrams’ Latest Bid to Unseat Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp".

News Flash! Paco World News Daily (PWND) has learned that, at a lunch meeting between Stacey Abrams' campaign manager and donors today, several people were injured as attendees stampeded out of the room in a panic after the campaign manager laid out the basic categories of expenses Ms. Abrams would be incurring during her run for office. 

There were plenty of volunteers who offered to cover advertising and public appearance expenses, but when the topic of meals for Ms. Abrams was broached, all of the attendees suddenly remembered pressing engagements elsewhere and ran from the room. 

George Soros was clotheslined by Tom Hanks, who, in turn, had one of his eyes gouged out by Barbra Streisand's nose, and Donald Sussman fell off of his wallet in the melee, toppling onto Leonardo DiCaprio, causing him to do a face plant on the stomach of an ice sculpture of Ms. Abrams, suffering severe abrasions and hypothermia. Ms. Abrams, who did not attend the meeting, was reached at her home this evening, and claimed the story had been much exaggerated. "Besides", she said, "I resolved the issue myself. I've arranged to travel in the Wienermobile."


  1. You know how baleen whales sieve krill and plankton out of sea water with the baleen plates in their mouths? I think of that whenever I see a photo of Stacey Abrams smiling.
