Thursday, June 15, 2023

The devil is in the algorithm

"Amazon Locks a Man Out of His Smart Home Over Racism Allegations".


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 15, 2023 at 11:16 AM

    Every account I have seen about this incident stresses that the man denies making a racial slur and that the doorbell cam video supports that claim.

    So what? That is not the point. So what if he did? In fact, let's stipulate, as a hypothetical, that he did call the driver a mean word. Would that justify Amazon shutting down the "smart" home? I maintain no... and here's another hypothetical: what percentage of Dems would says yes?

    I bet at least fifty percent. And while we're at it, let's add the True Conservatives™ for good measure... "Muh Private Corporations! They can do anything they want and it isn't a civil rights violation!"

  2. For God's sake, who gave Amazon the right to take a man's home away from him on the basis of one complaint? Or any snowflake complaint, really. When did Amazon become the grievance-police?

  3. I still haven't figured out why people would want a 'smart home'. I don't think I'd want a home that can do more to me, than for me.

  4. This is another reason I'm trying to reduce my reliance on technology, especially when it comes to things that really don't require it.

    I have a neighbor who has a "smart home". He can even change his upstairs thermostat when he's in Florida. What happens if he loses his phone? What happens if he gets hacked? Or, as in this case, what happens if the "system" deems him unworthy to enter his own home because he is insufficiently woke?

  5. I avoid so-called “smart” like the plague. Not only are they an unnecessary level of complexity (and hence another point of failure), they are incredibly intrusive. I mind me horror stories from the Texas winter storm, where the only power company in the state was remotely controlling thermostats for power conservation.

    Thank you, no.

  6. I think the technology is like a new toy to people who are fascinated by mere gadgetry.

  7. I think the technology is like a new toy to people who are fascinated by mere gadgetry.

    Exactly right. At one time, I loved that sort of thing. I even built some of them. But I had control over them, and I kept them as simple as possible.

    As time passed, I really came to appreciate analog technology over digital technology.
