Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Weather alert

Hurricane Idalia has made landfall in northwest Florida, so I hope everybody there is hunkered down. Here at the Paco Command Center, we're expecting a tropical storm on Thursday, and - naturally - our propane-powered generator went on the fritz yesterday and we can't get anybody out here to look at it until probably the middle of next week, so if we lose power, this site might collect a little dust for a day or two; we'll see.

Meanwhile, I'll be engaging in one of my favorite hurricane-season activities: checking homes for sale in Arizona and Utah.

Chance of hurricanes: pretty damned small.


  1. Good luck to all at the Paco Command Center. My grandson and his family are now living in Pensacola, but it looks like they'll miss the biggest part of the storm, except for probable torrential rain and some flooding.

    Having been to both Arizona and Utah, I recommend Utah.

  2. Utah is better, IMHO. Slightly wetter, but just as warm and dry as Arizona in the summer.

    Good luck in the upcoming hurricane season!

    Regarding the generator….. do you test run it on a regular basis? Say, monthly?

  3. Jeff: It automatically cycles for about 20 minutes one day every week. This week, it didn't come on, and a check inside the housing showed the digital display, "engine does not start" (gee, thanks for the tip, generator!). A look at the gauge on the tank showed plenty of propane, so the problem could be one of several other things according to the trouble-shooting checklist, none of which I'm going to fool with. Anyhow, we have a service contract, and the company is pretty good about showing up once you have an appointment - trouble is, we couldn't get an appointment until next Wednesday.

    I know Arizona from having lived there, but there have been some ominous changes over the last several years. If the current governor is typical of what the people of Arizona want, then I'd probably be more inclined toward Utah. I'd still love to find some way to have a second home of some sort out west, but I haven't been able to devise a plan that makes economic sense.

  4. Good plan, Paco -- just bad timing, is all. I've known people to buy a generator, throw it on the back porch, and then wonder why it didn't run 10 years later.

    Politically, Utah is a mess. The Mormons run it, make no mistake about it, and I'm pretty sure that's how Mitts was elected as a US Senator. So there's a certain amount of liberal idiocy and sheeple groupthink there.

    But it's a fine state otherwise.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. R-man: Yeah, we checked some of the basic "boy-am-I-a-dumbass" stuff; no luck.

    I think the storm won't be too awful bad when it gets here; at least, that's what we're hoping.

    Jeff: I think you're right; Romney would have gone nowhere if he hadn't been supported by "his own". Lot of that going around, and it's to everyone's long-term detriment.

  7. All prayers and best wishes for you, Mrs. Paco, and all at the PCC.

  8. Oh, and luck on the relocation quest. But what will you do without the salubrious breezes?
