Friday, September 1, 2023

I think they've given up on forcing us into labor camps...

...and are content to simply drive us into insane asylums: "Calling trans woman a 'w----r' is discrimination, tribunal suggests".

H/T: Ace of Spades


  1. Well, this is in the UK, where nobody has civil rights.

    No, seriously. Nobody there has "rights" as such, only privileges which are granted or withdrawn by the sovereign. Now of course, the Quing, or Keen, is far to busy to actually bother with the granting and withdrawal, and so that responsibility has been delegated to the police, or "rozzers," who all look like your lesbian nan.

    But you're not allowed to notice that or they will dogpile you and slam you into durance vile, which is Ukian for the hoosegow. Other offences which can result in lockup are failure to abate a smokey chimney, mopery with intent to gawk, or attempting to life a policeman's helmet on Boat Night.

  2. "Defendant Aristotle...which I strongly suspect is an alias..."

  3. mopery with intent to gawk... is how I would describe my whole life, and I'm ok with it.

  4. ‘w----r’? "Wanker" I presume? I'm only guessing of course. Is that Britishism so awful that it must be disguised, the way other words are (even though we know exactly what they are)? Should "bloody" now be written "b----y? I'm old, but the language shouldn't be getting away from me this fast. Will we ever move past these prissy little dodges?

  5. Yes, I am cranky today, why do you ask?

  6. Will we ever move past these prissy little dodges?

    P------- not.

  7. I love when Brit papers write about how someone said ----------- and got suspended for it.
    Language used to be used to convey concepts, in the Glorious Now! it's use to hide them.
