Friday, September 1, 2023

So, what was the problem? Was he not buckled in?

"A 'beefed up' car with giant bull named Howdy Doody crammed into passenger seat pulled over by Nebraska police".

Fine state of affairs, when a man can't drive around in his car with his livestock in the front seat.

H/T: Mrs. Paco


  1. Howdy was his emotional support bull. Of course, all bets would be off when there was a in-heat cow around.

    Funny stuff! Imagine being a cop calling that in, and then doing the report.

  2. I think it was bad journalism not to report what the traffic violations were.

    I mean, how is anyone else wanting to take their favorite bull for a drive supposed to know how to do it the right way?

  3. Ah. They were on their way to a car rodeo (whatever that is). Aren't floats technically exempt from traffic laws? Anyway, remember the guy a few years back who used to drive his pet buffalo around in his Cadillac?

  4. What, no one asked, "Where's the beef?"!?!?!?!?!

    I'm so disappointed.
