Saturday, September 9, 2023

I'm sure that stuff will come in handy when a submarine springs a leak

"Naval Academy Boosting Midshipmen Gender Sexuality Studies".

Gee, Wally, I wonder why recruitment is down?


  1. I have a great-nephew who is a good soccer player. Good enough to be offered several scholarships, one of which was from the Naval Academy. My first reaction was that it would be a good choice, but on second thought, maybe not. He ended up not taking it, but I also realize that none of the offers were from a school I would approve of, so I just hope the one he chose doesn't screw him up completely before he graduates.

    1. It may not be completely, but it's a sure bet that he'll be screwed up to a certain level.

  2. Gender Sexuality Studies is less effective than a pack of Wrigley's onboard a sub.

  3. Deborah, it is about as effective as a screen door on a sub though.

    I can guess how they'll update, "Loose lips sink ships!" but since this is a family blog, I'll keep it to myself.

  4. I'm confident he'll do fine, as long as he has Uncle R-man to set him on the right path.

  5. I was so proud of my grandson when he became a Marine. Today, I am so relieved that he is a civilian (had to leave at the end of his first tour because of an injury that precluded his reenlistment).

    1. Sorry to hear of his injury. Hopefully, he was given compensation. Please, extend our deepest and most sincere gratitude for his service.

  6. Rebecca: I'm glad he got through everything ok. I don't think he'd recognize the place these days.
