Tuesday, October 10, 2023

An alarming parallel between Israel's intelligence agency failures and our own

Glenn Reynolds: "Israel’s intelligence failure is a warning for America’s politicized agencies". 

We know what the Israeli intelligence agencies weren’t doing, which is getting warning of the attack. So what were they doing?
Well, one thing was organizing protests against Netanyahu, in opposition to his party’s platform of reform aimed at Israel’s Supreme Court.

And what are our own intelligence bureaucrats doing? 

While foreign enemies infiltrate the United States via porous borders and Iranian spy rings operate freely within America, the FBI has been infiltrating Catholic churches and treating parents who protest at school-board meetings and grandmas reciting prayers in front of abortion clinics as “domestic terrorists.”
The FBI is doing these things because that’s what its political masters want and because it’s easier (and safer) to spy on Catholic congregations than to infiltrate terrorist groups.

These are the kinds of things that happen when societies lose faith in the validity of their own histories and the belief systems that enabled them to form and grow strong in the first place. And complacency and timid acquiescence by the masses will spell the end of our country and our civilization. 


  1. And the chattering class is conflating taking out terrorist enclaves with genocide.

    All of the Deep State clowns, along with their adherents, are more interested in maintaining their personal comfort zone, rather than protecting the country that supports their comfort zone.

    Oy. The stupid, it burns.

  2. The thing is, the left hates Israel not just because it's a Jewish state. They hate Israel for the same reason they hate the US... they are both exemplars of Western Civilization. As such, they are illegitimate settler states founded on colonialism and oppression, having no legitimacy. Destroying therm both is not only justified, it is righteous.

    If anyone thinks the Western left would be satisfied with the destruction of Israel, he is willfully blind. Remember what the Iranians call us? The Great Satan. Israel is The Little Satan. Both must go. And it goes far beyond anti-Semitism.

  3. I would look upon the extermination of these devils in human form, and the extirpation of their devil-god religion, with infinite pleasure.

  4. For decades I've been hearing that Mossad was the absolute top in spy agencies. The best. The very best.
    So much for reputation.
