Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The nadir of human behavior

I pray that this is not true, that somehow, somebody has made a mistake. But these sons of Shaitan are fully capable of it. Ace has links to news reports that reveal a savagery not seen since the Assyrians butchered their way across the fertile crescent. Caution: it is probably the worst thing you can imagine.

It is my heartfelt desire that these demonical scum, and even the memory of whatever jackal god they worship, be exterminated. And may their supporters in the west be forever held up as the cheerleaders for genocide that they are.

1 comment:

  1. They do this because they believe they are strong and on the cusp of winning.

    But as I said immediately after 9/11, our adversaries cannot win, if only because they represent a negation. We, on the other hand, can very well lose, and I don't see anything int he past two decades that makes me think we aren't still on the road to losing.

    I find the Peloponnesian War both fascinating and depressing. Depressing because we saw the "democratic" Athenians brutalize other democracies and ally with autocracies. We also saw the Spartans, a generation after the events of Thermopylae and Salamis, take money and ships from the Persians to destroy the Athenians with. And most of all, both fascinating and depressing to watch the democratic Athenians do everything possible to lose that war. It took them about seventy years, but they very carefully made every wrong, not to mention stupid decision possible.

    Why do I bring that up? Uh... no reason in particular. I am certain that the solons and Obama retreads in the Biden Administration love America and have only the best intentions for us, right? For that matter, the track record of the Bush Administration is only marginally better. At least they didn't boast of unleashing unrestrained immigration on the country and inflicting predator upon school children. So while inept at foreign policy they at least paid lip service to not undermining the US at home.
