Wednesday, October 11, 2023

"The Biden Administration is the biggest threat to America right now. Not Russia. Not China. Not Iran or North Korea. Biden".

Biden's NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications, Admiral John Kirby, should be charged with dumbassery in the first degree. Salt-water Daffy thinks climate change is still our biggest risk.

I was reading his Wikipedia entry; this bozo spent practically his entire Naval career in Public Affairs. How does someone like this get to be a damned admiral? To be specific, a "rear admiral (lower half)"

I looked it up on Wikipedia, and, apparently, as admirals go, this rank is not overly impressive. The rank suits him, I suppose; he definitely strikes me as the lower half of something.


  1. How does someone like this get to be a damned admiral?

    Don't make waves. Kiss the right asses. Win lots of meaningless awards in order to pad your efficiency reports.

    Oh, and kiss the right asses. Did I mention that?

  2. Does the "rear" admiral refer to location, as in the opposite of "front lines" admiral?
    If so, that would be good, because the last place I would want him would be the front lines. Keep him as far behind the lines as you can.

  3. "Rear Admiral (Lower Half)" sounds like the rank they give to a$$holes.

  4. Once they made Richard "Rachel" Levine an admiral of ... I dunno, something ... all the lines were already crossed.

  5. The USN had the two star Rear Admiral rank for over a century. It was divided into O-7 and O-8 but there was no visible distinction. There was supposedly a one star rank, Commodore, on the books, but it was only used in wartime. Otherwise a Commodore was a title given to the commander of a squadron (of ships, not aircraft).

    But in the mid eighties the Navy, due to angst from the other services, split the rank and the O-7 Rear Admirals got a single star and were differentiated by the "Lower Half" appended to their rank. At the time I amused myself by jokingly referring to such creatures as Rear Admiral, Junior Grade or Rear Admiral From the Waist Down. Much to the horror and astonishment of those above me in the chain of command.

    But as one content to retire in the rank of LCDR I cared little for such things. As a former Captain of mine once said, once you lower your standards a whole new world opens up.

  6. Stephen: Interesting information. I was never really clear on the "Commodore" rank.

  7. Yep, the Navy brass doesn't like commodores, which I think to be silly. Then again, I was a ground pounder. My uncle (a retired Master CPO, USNR) referred to the commodore rank as "the commode".

    Rebecca: Oh, yeah, that was indeed a line crossed.
