Thursday, October 5, 2023

The long reach of the RINO

Execrable GOPe hack John McCain is still mooning us from the Great Beyond: "McCain Library Built With $83M in COVID ‘Public Health Emergency’ Money".

And here's an interesting item of which I was unaware till now, in an article linked in the above post: "Biden Takes Credit for Encouraging McCain to Cheat on His Disabled Wife".

It never ceases to amaze me how we wind up being represented by people in government whose company we would find positively odious in a private setting. I guess, as F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote of the rich, that politicians, too, "are different from you and me". On the other hand, there are an awful lot of voters who keep putting scoundrels like McCain and Biden in office, so I guess many of  "us" aren't that different from them, at all. An ominous portent of the ultimate destination of our society.


  1. I have no words.

    Well, maybe these: SMOD, I can email you my exact coordinates, if you want them!

  2. Personally, I'd prefer that you send the coordinates for D.C. (don't want to take any chances).

  3. Adulterers like to help other adulterers, if only to reassure themselves that what they do is okay. From all accounts, Joe and Jill were both adulterers when they got together.

    As for John McCain, after he endured so much, it's disappointing to know that he was just another rotten scumbag.

  4. Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Ed Buck, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Matt Lauer...

    They're all from the same ruling class, the same elite cadre that is destined by their innate superiority to hold special position and privilege over the rest of us. The divide in the US is not political, it is one of class.

  5. That's true, and it's a pity that the ruling class is so...classless.
