Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The recent upheaval

 Let me see if I've got this straight.

1) Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican, and like-minded conservative Republicans who make up the Freedom Caucus, hate the Democrats and don't trust Republican congressman and (former) speaker Kevin McCarthy, who is part of the GOP establishment (a/k/a GOPe).

2) The Freedom Caucus, nonetheless, has managed to hold McCarthy's feet to the fire on a number of issues, to date, by extracting various promises.

3) Gaetz came to believe that McCarthy was either contemplating reneging on their agreement, or had, in fact, already abrogated same. 

4) Gaetz, therefore, initiated proceedings to topple McCarthy from the leadership position.

5) Only a handful of Republicans from the Freedom Caucus, voting with most of the Democrats - whom the Freedom Caucus hate - managed to oust McCarthy from the Speaker's chair.

6) McCarthy's allies in the GOPe, feeling that they had been betrayed by the Democrats, whom they not only don't hate, but frequently display an unseemly fondness for, took revenge on the Democrats by taking away the "hide-away" offices of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.

7) Republican and more-or-less conservative congressman Jim Jordan, an ally of McCarthy, has now declared that he wants the Speaker's chair - apparently because this gives him the chance to register high dudgeon from a loftier perch.

8) Meanwhile, the border is still wide open and we're still pouring money into the Ukrainian shredder.

Once again, this scene comes to mind:


  1. As I remarked elsewhere, let me know when the "chaos" actually has an effect. Preferably, in actually shutting down this loathsome parasitic mass some call a "government."

  2. I'm neither fer nor agin, I'm firmly in Team Do Not Care.
    Congress isn't going to do anything to make things even not total crap.
    I do like all the butthurt in people who think I'm either unhelpful or a terrorist, so there's that.

  3. Circular firing squads need not be partisan in nature.

  4. Here's some mayo for that sh*t sandwich:

  5. Wow, I have a blue clickable name. Don't know when that happened, looks like when I upgraded my PC in 2015.

  6. The timeline is accurate and, sadly, it does add up if you know what kind of government we now have.

  7. Here's an interesting perspective on this fiasco ....

  8. Jeff: Some good points, there.
