Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Come for the welfare benefits...

...stay for the burglary opportunities: "South American Gangs Breaking Into Mansions in Detroit Suburbs".

The attitude in my neck of the woods is pretty much this:


  1. Perfect!

    I have little sympathy for those upscale neighborhoods that are getting burgled now. It's more than likely that they voted for what they're getting now. They have the clout to put pressure on Democrats and the Biden regime to stop this nonsense, if only they'll do it.

  2. And it goes to show you can't depend exclusively on security systems to alert you or the police (assuming they show up in the first place).

    For every measure, there's a countermeasure. For every countermeasure, there's a counter-countermeasure. And so on, ad nauseam.

  3. Or, try that in a small town.

    But apparently it's racist to say that. Yeah, I don't care any more what these hysterical pantywaists say about me.

    My county, on the Olympic Peninsula, has one incorporated town. During the height of Antifa/BLM rioting, a group from Olympia made much noise that they were going to bring justice there. When they showed up, the town's main street was lined with residents open carrying. Nobody said anything, nobody made a move, they simply stood silently. The Olympia revolutionaries half heartedly and cringingly walked up one block and decided they'd made their point. And home they went, to more permissive pastures.

  4. Happened in more than one place on the west side, Stephen. Good to see.

  5. I saw a video of something like that a couple of years ago, not sure where it was. Some (rather subdued) Antifa types walking down a suburban street, and people lining the sidewalk with rifles slung over their shoulders and handguns in belt holsters, just very obviously minding their own business.

  6. What with all the CA folks in AZ I've been expecting interesting happenings.
    Entitled CA folks meet well-armed, DGAF, AZ folks.
    I just hope it's televised, I want to watch.
