Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The reverse Midas touch

After employing her endorsement magic to catapult Sheila Jackson Lee into, er, second place in the Houston mayoral race, Hillary Clinton has now turned her attention to boosting Joe Biden's shuffling search for success in his pursuit of a second presidential term: "Joe Biden Enlists Election Denier Hillary Clinton in 2024 Campaign".


  1. Hiliary is probably thrilled that she can now be close to the White House when the current Dementia-in-Chief dies from an unexplained accident.

  2. which would mean our first Black/Indian female president; and
    Hillary still not president; and if our first Black/Indian female president wants to serve out her term she will pick anyone but Hillary as her vice president.

  3. Politically Hillary is damaged goods. The Dems will happily trot her out to complain how Trump is a big ol' meanie and woman woman womanwomanwoman by the way did she mention she's a woman? Because women!!!!

    But let her run for actual office again? Nope. The Dems want her as The Scorned Woman, but never again as a candidate. P.J. O'Rourke once described Hillary as "America's First Wife." She certainly has the stereotypical bitterness and resentment down cold.

  4. Might as well ask a break and enter expert to look after your house.
    Hillary and Joe will move from 'support' to 'supplant' in the twinkling of an eye. I'm surprised Dr Lady Macbiden approved the idea.

  5. Maybe Kamala hired Hillary to "support" Biden - you know, help him down the stairs, administer his medicines, that kind of thing.

    I'm surprised Dr Lady Macbiden approved the idea.

    Btw, has anybody seen Frau Doctor Professor Biden lately?

    1. Is that help "down the stairs" to a orchard or park. Of course, getting down the stairs without the oops when Hilly gets a foot in front of his.

  6. Paco, I didn't even have to look...
