Tuesday, December 26, 2023

New motto: The Mounties always get their...whatever.

"Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament".


  1. Yet another meaning of “#MeToo”.

  2. I imagine these products are being supplied to women who are pretending to be men, but still have their periods. Apparently none of them can afford to buy their own hygiene products, or maybe it's too demeaning for these pretend-men to go into a store and buy the stuff themselves. In any case, I hope they all get crotch rot.

  3. Dudley, you're doing it wrong.

  4. I wonder which bodily orifice those Canadian men are using?

    Since they're politicians, I suggest they stuff them in their mouths.

  5. "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay
    I sleep all night and I work all day..."

  6. Canada: making Australia look less stupid, eh!

  7. Canada: making Australia look less stupid, eh!

    Having grown up adjacent to the US-Canadian border, Gregory, I have to say they have been practicing for a long time.

    Their biggest loss has been the military. The Canadians had an entire beach (Juno) to themselves on D-Day, and their navy was excellent until Trudeau's father gutted it. I trained with some Canadians back in the day, and they were good.

  8. Jeff: I remember reading some very heroic accounts of Canadian actions in (I believe) Afghanistan. No matter how hard they try, the leftist simps can't completely extinguish the martial virtues.

  9. The Mounties had best get the perps' genders correct or there will be hell to pay.

  10. Correction to my above post:

    ... their navy was excellent until Trudeau's father gutted it.

    should read:

    ... their navy was excellent until Trudeau's mother's husband gutted it.

  11. A fine but important distinction you draw there, Jeff.

  12. Have you seen the photos of Castreau sitting with his legs clamped together like a virginal girl at her first school dance? I guess he's not worried about crushing anything.
