Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

I had never heard of this stuff, but it looks tasty


  1. Fascinating! And, yes, it does look tasty, liquid and powder. I would like to try that.

    I'm speculating, but ... mushroom sauce fell into disfavor as the US population grew, and picking mushrooms might not have as easy as before. Mushroom farming (from what little I know of it) seems to need some modern technology to be commercially feasible.

    Tomatoes, on the other hand, are relatively simpler to grow. And I expect there was some marketing to sell them to the public.

    That's my two bits anywho.

  2. I like portobellos and morels but white button mushrooms are utterly tasteless. Hunting my own mushrooms in the wild is out of the question because I'd most likely poison myself. Mushroom catsup seems like a lot of work, but I might try it someday. Or not.

  3. It's available commercially, although I think it's a little on the expensive side.

  4. I saw the original video by Townsend's and decided to give it a try. Found a recipe by Hannah Glass and did that. It's much like Worchestershire sauce, or maybe fish sauce, in that it's quite pungent and briny. Still have a half bottle in the fridge.

    Problem is, I remember I have it after I've already used something else... like W. of fish sauce.

  5. Off the topic of food, but still related to working with your hands:
    The man who founded Glock has passed away.

    I've heard 'Glock' thrown in movies more often than I've had kind thoughts about Joe Biden (okay, no challenge there) but I didn't realise the company was so young.

  6. Hmm, fish sauce. I actually use fish sauce occasionally, so thanks for that tip, Skubinna.
