Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The feds have quite a lot of blood on their hands

"In Memoriam: 14 Americans, Legal Immigrants Among Those Allegedly Killed by Illegal Aliens in 2023".

Whether or not our craven congress critters ever get around to impeaching Joe Biden, I think they should move with alacrity to impeach government officials who are either refusing to do their jobs, or are just plain incompetent, especially in conjunction with policing our borders. If you can't or won't cut off the head of the snake, then slash it repeatedly all along its length.


  1. Can't even claim they're doing the jobs Americans won't. Not given the example of our DNC run urban areas.

  2. If you can't or won't cut off the head of the snake, then slash it repeatedly all along its length.

    I like this plan of action.
