Thursday, January 4, 2024

A second look at the glass ceiling?

"New ‘Star Wars’ Movie Predicted to Be Disney’s ‘Biggest Flop Yet’ After Clips Expose Director’s Agenda".

“I like to make men uncomfortable,” Obaid-Chinoy said in the interview. “I enjoy making men uncomfortable.”

I wonder how uncomfortable the stockholders are going to have to get before they ride the directors out of town on a rail? Or maybe the stockholders are a bunch of woke lunatics who are perfectly content to ride Disney's fortunes all the way down into the ground, like Slim Pickens whooping it up on the hydrogen bomb, as it plummeted to earth.


  1. I can see why, Star Wars isn't totally destroyed yet.

  2. Just curious what response I would get if I announced that I enjoyed making women uncomfortable, getting in their faces and challenging them?

    Just kidding. I already know what the response would be, and it wouldn't be accolades for stunning! and brave! Meanwhile, men absolutely dominate the statistics for occupational injuries and deaths. Because male privilege.

  3. Obaid-Chinoy just made it crystal clear that she hates men. I'm sure she'll be gratified that no men will go to see her movie (thus ensuring its fast track to oblivion).

  4. Slim Pickens was a great character actor along with others like Jack Elam and Strother Martin. That was back in the day when they made movies that people wanted to see, and when good acting rather than special effects could make or break a movie. I lost interest in Star Wars a few decades ago, and I'm pretty sure I have not seen a Disney movie made since Walt died.

  5. How much deeper must this hole be dug before it comes out in a galaxy far, far away?

  6. A&A: Loved all those guys.

    Mrs. Paco and I saw the first Star Wars movie on the day it premiered. It really blew us away: the special effects, the old-fashioned storyline worked into a sci-fi epic, the new twist on elements of the classic western, the characterizations, the acting, everything about it was amazing. We also enjoyed the second and third films, but after that, the appeal fell off sharply. Probably the only Disney movies I have seen in the last 12 years were things on cable, during which I dozed lightly while babysitting one or the other of our grandchildren.

  7. I don't think going from 'The Wonderful World of Disney' to 'The Woke World of Disney' was a good business decision.

    1. How many rainbow micky mouse ears (if it's a thing) have they sold? It's all of Disney, not just the movies, that must be taking a hit.

  8. There sure is a lot of stupidity going around.. Disney, a defendant attacking a sitting judge in her courtroom, the southern border, etc. It's an epidemic.

  9. Ancient Veeshir family curse: May you live in stupid times.
