Thursday, January 4, 2024


More Yankees on the way: "U-Haul Migration Trends: Texas, Florida Top Growth States Again in 2023".

The article indicates that North Carolina is the number-3 destination for interstate migration, and I've read elsewhere that my county - Brunswick - is the fastest growing county in the state. I'm wondering if maybe it's time to strike our tents and move on.

Now, as long as the people moving here are like the neighbors I've currently got - people from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Colorado who are overwhelmingly conservative - things might not be so bad. It's those knot-heads who have spent their adult lives voting for liberal douchebags in their own states, and can't seem to connect the dots between leftist policies and the hell-holes their states have become, who worry me. We'll have to see.


  1. It happened to WA. We used to be a fairly red state. Now we're hard blue, suffering a bad case of CA envy.

  2. Ohio certainly isn't the sunniest, warmest state in the union, but I noticed our local U-Haul company's parking lot is crammed with U-Haul trucks and trailers. It seems plenty are coming in, not many going out.

  3. I have in-laws in Leland and Southport who are recent arrivals from Chicago and Boston; I think it's an even split, one conservative, one liberal; I'm on the fence about a move.
