Thursday, January 4, 2024

Defendant tries to convince judge he shouldn't have to do jail time on a battery charge

The judge doesn't agree - whereupon the defendant instantly validates her decision: "Defendant facing new charges after his attack on a Nevada judge is caught on video".

H/T: Mrs. Paco


  1. The first lesson from How to Win Friends and Influence People is 1. Don't Criticize.

    I'm not sure, but I would guess that includes non-verbal criticism, like leaping over a judge's desk and pummeling her with your fists.

  2. Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head!

  3. That guy's body is a deadly weapon.

  4. I'd like to think that guy will get the maximum sentence handed down. I'm not hopeful, though.

  5. This is a case of "stuck on stupid". First, he believes he's smarter than the judge by thinking she hasn't heard the explanation before. She's been on the bench for awhile, so she's heard/seen all the tricks. Then he's not much of an actor because it is delivered without emotion. Lastly, he nails the stupidity by nailing the judge. Sheesh.

  6. If there's a track & field team at the prison for which this guy is destined, he should try out for the high jump.
