Thursday, January 4, 2024


 Clinton talks about the Epstein list (via Ace of Spades).


  1. 'If you add up their ages' would be Bill's way of looking at it for sure.

  2. I, for one, find it hard to believe that was satire.

  3. What gave it away was the lack of the finger wag. Although another Clinton trademark was the fist pounding the lectern.

    Fact is, when Bill was being candid and open he was unapproachable in an "aw, shucks" kind of way. Whatever it was he did you just wanted to tousle his hair and say, "Just forget about it, how about we have a beer, huh?" Unfortunately, when he worked on ginning up fake outrage he came across as shallow and pretentious as any other career politician.

    Hillary, on the other hand, always came across as arrogant, condescending, and contemptuous. A natural pol, she definitely was not.

  4. I'm finding it harder to believe that Bill had any ambitions to become President. At least before he met Hillary, who rode him like a mule to the top.

    I've seen others who find themselves in positions of responsibility they didn't want or need degenerate into moral turpitude.

    Imagine if Hunter Biden's dad had just owned a car wash or a hardware store.

    1. Bill and Hillary were in Chicago when they stopped to get gas.
      Hillary noticed the guy pumping gas was a former boyfriend(bear with me, it's a joke)
      Bill said, "If you'd married him you'd be married to a gas station attendant.
      She replied, "No, I'd be married to the President of the United States. "

  5. It's satire, but it's probably what Old Bill would say if he didn't have Hillary to commit murder in the dark for him.
