Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The career of this pucker-faced RINO hobbit has gone far enough

"Ohio Governor Who Vetoed Bill Blocking Protecting Minors and Girls’ Sports Took $40K From Pro-Trans Hospitals".

I don't want to see this ugly clone of Mitt Romney in the U.S. Senate some day. 


  1. WTF?
    The part that ticks me off the most is the way most articles call it, "Gender affirming care" instead of "neutering."

    As for having men compete against women, the only way that stops is for women to refuse to play along.
    Just drop out every time they go against a man.
    Let the men win by forfeit every time and then, the championship of whatever women's sports will be between 2 men.
    Highlight the ridiculosity and maybe the low info folks will finally figure out the ridiculousness.

  2. Eagerly awaiting the TrueCon™ position on this before forming my own opinion.

    "The conservative case for pedophilia."
    "Two cheers for child abuse."

    What say you, Reverend "Blessings of Liberty" David French? Or are you too busy laboring over your monumental thought piece on why Jew hate is a True Conservative principle? Is Jonah Goldberg going to tell us that this is, once again, not the hill to die on?

  3. V: I believe I read somewhere that a few women's college teams were doing just that, with some success. You're right, the women boycotting such events is the best way to go.

  4. I shamefacedly admit I voted for Mike DeWine because I thought he was a better pick than his opponent (better, but not terrific). Once again I was betrayed, as that seems to be the M.O. for politicians these days.

    And no, women should not compete against men in women's sports. As Riley Gaines says, they are weak men who can't compete against other men.
