Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

If nothing else, this video gives me a new appreciation of electricity and natural gas.


  1. I've read comments from people who are nostalgic for the smell of peat fires. We visited Edinburgh in the late 70s just before we came back to the States for good, and let me tell you: peat firest cause the most god-awful stench you ever smelled.

  2. Yeah, I imagine it's a long way from the aroma of burning mesquite.

  3. Years ago I signed up as a "Friend of Laphroig." A benefit is that I have "title" to a square foot (oddly enough, not a metric measurement) of their estate, in the peat bog. I may claim annual "rent" in the form of a dram of whisky, the catch being that I must do it in person.

    If I ever do visit the distillery they will give me a map and a pair of wellies in order to locate my plot and plant a US flag there.

    Whiskies from Islay are known for their peaty character, Laphroig being famously strong. It really is a "love it or hate it" taste.

  4. I expect that the preference for the smell of burning peat hearkens to the old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
