Saturday, February 24, 2024

Ah, Glory!

The Propaganda Ministry is now trying to isolate Christians from "polite" society: "Politico Reporter on MSNBC Frets That Christian Nationalists Believe Americans’ Rights Come From God, Not the Government".

Regardless of whether or not one believes in God, the notion that our rights come from the government is simultaneously laughable and dangerous.

I'll let Aunt Esther have the last word with respect to this reporter's implied threats.


  1. Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for Politico, appeared on MSNBC this week and fretted as she explained that Christian Nationalists believe that Americans’ rights are granted by God and not Congress or the Supreme Court.

    Well, yeah.

  2. And now she's playing the "context!" card, which while predictable BS is a pleasant change from the "ZOMG WAAAAAACIST!!!!" one we've come to expect.

    These people hate you. We cannot talk with them, let alone debate, because they hate you so much that we aren't even human to them. First they delegitimize us, so they don't need to address our arguments. Then they dehumanize us, so that whatever they do (and there really are no limits) is defensible, even just and righteous.

  3. "...Christian Nationalists believe that Americans' rights come from God not the government".

    Can I get an amen.

  4. The Constitution protects our rights from the gov't.
    Or at least, that's the way it's supposed to work.
    Actual results may vary.

  5. The Supremes have had some very wacky 'interpretations' of The Constitution at times.
