Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday funnies


Can't know your players without a program.

The show must go on.

There go da judge.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. 'But while you're dying of asphyxiation, Dave, I'll send you some of the AI images I've been generating in the back of my circuits. Did you know Neil Armstrong was a POC?'

  2. I was always horrible at math. Thank God my kids all graduated before New Math became a thing.

  3. I hate crickets. At least, I hate the noise they make, to extent of getting out of bed in the middle of the night to hunt down one that's made its way into my bedroom. Many times.

    So, yeah, thank God that blasted cricket has finally stopped!

  4. Rebecca: The New Math was introduced when I was in the 3rd grade, and, as is the case with many educational initiatives, it made things needlessly more difficult. On top of that, my 3rd grade teacher - Mrs. Adams - was a hulking autocrat whom I suspected of possessing an intense dislike for children. When I say hulking, I don't mean to imply that she was fat - just very tall and extraordinarily big-boned; picture a Jersey barrier standing on end, and you will have a realistic image of her dimensions. If one didn't understand something, it never occurred to her that her own lack of patience might have something to do with it. Awful woman. Years later, when I was about 16, I was driving by the elementary school, and as she was leading a line of children from the building (probably to go to lunch), she tripped and fell flat on her face. The whole thing was like watching a tree falling down, even down to the slow motion of the action, and the enormous cloud of dust as she hit the ground. I don't believe she sustained much damage - at least, she went on to oppress succeeding generations of 8-year-olds for many years.

  5. R-man: When we lived in our first house in Richmond, Virginia, I was once tormented by the sound of a cricket in the house at night. I couldn't sleep, and I nearly went crazy trying to locate the thing. As a fellow cricket hunter, you know how tedious the process is. You hear it chirp, then it stops, and you have to wait until it commences chirping again as you try to pinpoint its position. I finally found the pest under the sill of the front door.

  6. I know what you're saying, Paco. I've often thought they're ventriloquists and can throw their voice just to make it even harder to locate the little monsters. I have to say, tho, that I've become quite adept at locating and exterminating them.

  7. Ah, "Night Court"! When comedy was produced to make people laugh!

    Dogs are funny that way, 5 minutes or 5 days.
