Thursday, February 15, 2024

This evil man has more tentacles than a gross of octopodes

"Leaked Iranian Gov Docs Show Soros Group Acted as Foreign Agent".

Should George Soros and allies be arrested for failing to register as foreign agents?
Short answer: yes - for starters.


  1. Arrested, and then lined up against the wall and shot.

  2. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were guilty as hell. First their partisans claimed that they were murdered as part of some pogrom... by, uh, the United States. 'Cuz they was Joosh. Hmmm. Well then, just fall back on the "dindu nuffin!" defense.

    Ah, then came the declassification of the Venona Intercepts, which revealed their Soviet handlers discussing the info the Rosenbergs were passing them. Whoops! Oopsie!

    So retreat to the third and final line of defense: Answering to a Higher Power. Julius and Ethel never betrayed anything because their loyalties were to a much higher authority than, um, their citizenship. In this case, that loyalty was to the Soviet Union, a very strong contender for Most Evil Nation of the Twentieth Century. But no matter, mere patriotism is a trifle to truly enlightened beings answering to a much nobler ideal.

    Transnationalists are not beholden to the silly trifles we mud dwellers think are important.

  3. I agree with RebeccaH. Shoot em. I'll happily donate everything needed. Except for blindfolds. No blindfolds for them. George deserves a special way of despatch, but I haven't figured out what.
