Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Yeah. Mess around with Clarence Thomas, genius.

Pommie leftist twit Jon Oliver offers to bribe Justice Thomas to step down from the Supreme Court.


  1. Thanks for coming all the way over to my own country to tell me I'm doing it wrong, asswipe. Now go eat a bag of dicks.

  2. Absolutely can't stand this guy. I was hoping he could be deported, but damned if he didn't become a U.S. citizen.

  3. I'll bet Justice Thomas is brilliant even in his sleep. Jon Oliver knows that the offer of millions is hollow. The Justice cannot be bought at any price. He is beyond reproach, unlike Jon Oliver and his media ilk.

  4. I heard a rumour that the Brits reintroduced transportation just for John Oliver.

  5. That's one uppity Negro. Who does he think he is? /s off

  6. Gregory: That's how the Pacos came to be in America in the early 18th century, and I'm pretty sure they weren't welcomed with their own TV show (well, you know what I mean). John Oliver ought to be picking tobacco somewhere in Virginia.

  7. Now if only John Roberts could be shamed into emulating Clarence Thomas, who's twice the man he is.
