Saturday, April 13, 2024


I didn't know volcanoes could blow smoke rings.

(H/T: Thompson blog)

When I was a little fellow, I'd watch with fascination as Old Paco would blow smoke rings while puffing on a cigar. He'd sometime ask, "want to see me blow a square one?", and I always said that I'd like to see that, but he always said, "Well, maybe later, I'm about done with this one".


  1. Old Paco sounds like he was a good'un.

  2. How old were you when you figured out he was pulling your leg? :-)

  3. You can't blow a square smoke ring.
    It wouldn't be a ring then!
    Kids are so gullible.

  4. Old Paco sounds like he was a good'un.

    He was, Mick, he certainly was.

    How old were you when you figured out he was pulling your leg?

    What do you mean?

    You can't blow a square smoke ring. It wouldn't be a ring then!

    How about square smoke perimeters?

  5. Well, at least the masses aren't in a panic due to belief that the rings portend some calamity. On-the-other-hand, others would read them as good omens.
