Friday, May 17, 2024

With Bidenomics loosed upon the land... might be useful to familiarize ourselves with some traditional survival techniques.


  1. "The Boxcar Kids" book was a favorite in my youth, especially the parts about living in a defunct boxcar. The years have revealed my appreciation for amenities. So no a bindle.

  2. I remember the Boxcar Children series! I believe my children had some of those.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 17, 2024 at 11:34 PM

    Stockpile precious metals.

    Like, ummmm... brass, copper, lead...

  4. I'm honing my hobo cooking skills.
    Getting ready to make coffee from burnt rye bread.

  5. My plan isn't really a survival technique, just a way to avoid the unpleasant times in the future: Get old and die before they start.

    The biggest problem may be getting the timing right. Not too soon, or not too late.

  6. Yes, I suppose none of us are ever really out of the woods until we're under ground.

  7. Ah, yes, hobos versus tramps. I don't recall encountering either, but my parents were always on the look out.

    Good plan, r-man.

  8. I vaguely recollect Ma Paco making a sandwich for one when I was young. He waited politely outside the back door, and then she handed him the sandwich and he was on his way.

    I was riding with Old Paco one time, and he picked up a guy who was generally known around town, never strayed very far, but was clearly a "tramp". He was an interesting character. You could tell him your birthday (including the year) and he could immediately tell you what day of the week you were born. A nice, quiet old fellow, quite harmless, as far as I ever heard.

    And my maternal grandfather hopped freight trains in his youth, but that was before the depression. He eventually did all kinds of work, from circus roustabout to lumber camp cook out in Oregon or Washington state to running a small gas station/diner in New London, NC. Wound up working for the big aluminum plant in Badin, NC.

  9. I'm at that awkward age, too young to die before the collapse, too old to be much use when it happens.
    Even worse, much too young to be a senator.
