Sunday, December 20, 2020




RebeccaH said...

One of the neighbors has put masks on the straw dolls she has sitting in her yard. She thinks it's cute. I have to fight the urge to throw the dolls into the street whenever I walk by.

Paco said...

Don't fight the urge. It's bad for the digestion.

Yes, I am repelled every time I see a commercial on television and I see people with masks going about their normal business, but anonymously, as the government has commanded.

Deborah said...

Rather than throwing the dolls into the street, free them. Throw the masks into the street.

Deborah said...

We went to the cardiologist last week. Everyone in the waiting area was masked. The clerk interrupted my urgent dash to the Ladies' Room to inquire if I had a mask. I informed her that CDC guidelines exempt people with respiratory problems, but she persisted. This was all without her (and her co-workers) abiding by their rules.

Paco said...

Lots of little dictators out there (in addition to the bigger ones).